Benchmarking: Financial and Operational Performance

financial performance

Are you serious about evaluating and improving your organization's operations? Data from ASAE can benefit CEOs, deputy CEOs, chief financial officers, managers, and volunteer leaders, who can use the information to

  • compare financial and operational benchmarks against similar organizations
  • measure key performance ratios
  • identify potential areas for improvement
  • strategize and make recommendations for the allocation of association resources
  • track trends over time to inform decision making
  • support board presentations
  • gain an accurate picture of the organization’s financial performance and financial position

Revenue, expense, and balance-sheet data are organized by budget size, tax status, membership type, and geographic scope to allow you to compare your organization’s ratios in meaningful ways.


AssociaMetrics Premium provides online access to the full complement of association industry data aggregated from ASAE, including Association Compensation and Benefits Study and Association Operating Ratio Report plus PDFs of additional benchmarking reports prepared by ASAE, including both volumes of Benchmarking in Association Management: Policies and Procedures and Association Investment Policies, Practices, and Performance, all at a reduced package price.

Operating Ratio Report Access allows you to generate custom reports, sorting ASAE’s operating ratios data by budget size, tax status, membership type, geographic scope, and industry type and location. A one-year subscription includes access to an electronic copy of Association Operating Ratio Report, 16th edition

Association Investment Policies, Practices, and Performance­ provides results of an annual ASAE survey on association investments. This report also includes information on reserve policies.