Keeping Service Professionals Engaged

Illustrated conversation bubbles September 9, 2024 By: Revell Horsey

Does your association cater to service professionals? We tackle ways you can adapt to the current landscape to attract modern, younger professionals. 

Historically, associations were the go-to source of credible information and professional networking opportunities, particularly for service professionals. They were a treasured gathering place to share best practices, provide continuing education, and advocate for industry regulation.

For everyone from independent business owners managing their own book of business to employees of established brands, association membership provides access to a community of like-minded professionals. In recent years, however, this community has not been as loyal as it was in the past. Associations are being challenged to rethink the value proposition of membership.

Where Are the Members Going?

The rise of the digital age means service providers can now access most, if not all, of the information they need to grow their business online. Associations once enjoyed a monopoly on access to this industry-specific information. Members were happy and willing to pay dues in exchange for the exclusive resources available only through their association. Today, associations must compete with online platforms, like YouTube, that provide similar content free of charge.

Lara Bracciante, a senior director at the Professional Assistance Corporation, states the issue plainly: “Younger generations have learned they can get just about everything for free on the internet, so, ‘Why would I need something like association membership?’”

This is particularly concerning because the workforce is shifting rapidly as baby boomers retire and are replaced by millennials and Gen Z. Many associations have found themselves out of sync with this new demographic. They struggle to attract and retain modern members because they’re not meeting modern needs.

As a result, association membership enrollment and retention are waning, and the numbers confirm it. Research shows that more than half of associations have reported declining or stagnating membership over the last decade. The good news is that there is a solution.

Bending the Value Curve To Meet Gen Z and Millennials

Speaking to Gen Z is key to attracting and retaining new members, as most new service providers are in their mid-to-late 20s. The secret is to keep them engaged. The bottom line is that members who feel engaged with their association’s content, events, and benefits will stick around longer.

To keep the younger generation dialed in, associations must understand and address their different needs and expectations. This involves offering resources and support for modern career development, brand building, and most importantly, operational efficiency.

For personal service professionals, operational efficiency is about attracting and onboarding clients, increasing client retention, and combining service offerings with product upsells to boost income. Whether their business is fitness training, dog grooming, or skin care, they want to:

  • Reduce their cancellations to boost revenue
  • Offer clients more payment options and get more insights about their revenue
  • Know where their marketing dollars will have the most impact
  • Spend less time running the back office and more time performing billable services

Association benefits that fulfill these needs and are unique to the association are magnets for attracting new members.

A Technology Tool that Drives Sustainable Member Engagement

Associations can leverage technology to foster engagement and provide value to their members. Online tools deliver the personalized experiences and just-in-time knowledge that younger members expect. The ideal tool should work double duty by helping service professionals run a successful business and keeping the association top of mind with:

  • Templates and recommended workflows from trusted industry experts
  • In-depth reporting on ways in which diverse practices impact a business’s bottom line
  • Relevant and timely information on industry trends or association updates

With the right tech offering to activate and engage younger members, associations can expect a significantly lower number of service professionals to allow their membership to expire.

Why Associations Matter

In spite of these modern challenges, associations are vital for service professionals. They give service providers a sense of community that digital platforms cannot easily replicate. For associations to remain relevant to their members, they must evolve with the ever-changing landscape.

Revell Horsey

Revell Horsey is the CFO and head of strategic partnerships at, a next-generation business management software solution with more than 6,000 personal service professionals running their businesses on the platform.