Boost Attendance and Membership With Your Event Marketing

A blurry photo of an exhibition floor. July 11, 2024 By: Rachael Casey

Events can have a year-round impact on an association’s membership. Make sure you are optimizing your event marketing to retain and attract members.

Annual events are often the cornerstone of an association’s activities, providing a unique opportunity to engage current members and attract new ones. When executed effectively, these events can act as a powerful flywheel, propelling membership growth and enhancing the association’s overall value proposition.

Engaging that marketing accelerator requires an event approach that hinges on more than just the event itself. This article explores strategic ways to effectively leverage event marketing initiatives to drive attendance, spark FOMO (fear of missing out), and fuel membership growth.

Conduct an Event Marketing Audit

The foundation of a successful event marketing strategy is understanding your value proposition and your audience. Start by conducting an event marketing audit that analyzes the demographic makeup and preferences of existing event attendees and association members along with their past feedback on your event. By examining past event data, surveys, and feedback, organizers can gain insights into what works and what doesn’t.

Use this data to shape your marketing strategies. For example, your approach will differ for an audience that consists largely of young professionals interested in networking opportunities versus an audience of industry veterans looking for advanced knowledge and insights. An audit helps identify potential untapped audiences who might be interested in your event or association membership but have not yet been reached.

Discover Your Audience and How to Reach Them

Once you understand your audience, thorough research and a multifaceted marketing approach are essential. This means crafting tailored messaging that resonates with different audience segments, both online and offline. Digital platforms, including social media, email marketing, and targeted ads allow for highly personalized and targeted communication.

Your audit should shed some light on where your audience spends their time online. For instance, younger audiences might be more engaged on platforms like Instagram and TikTok—vibrant social media campaigns showcasing event highlights and behind-the-scenes content may resonate with them. Conversely, seasoned industry professionals might respond better to LinkedIn posts or email newsletters featuring detailed agendas and speaker profiles. Offline strategies could include direct mail, print ads in industry publications, or even collaboration with industry influencers to spread the word about the benefits of association membership and events. Reaching multiple audience segments is key to engaging the flywheel of growth.

Use Social Proof and Exclusivity To Draw Them In

Showcasing past event successes can generate excitement and encourage potential participants to secure their spots. This can be done through testimonials, case studies, and highlight reels from previous events. Visual content, such as photos and videos, can be particularly effective in capturing the atmosphere and energy of your events and further generating a desire to register for your next event—especially if you’re presenting content and activations they can’t get anywhere else.

Creating an aura of exclusivity can also enhance the appeal of your event. Consider offering VIP packages, one-of-a-kind experiences, and other personal touches that provide additional benefits. Emphasizing that these offers are available for a limited time or to a select number of attendees helps create a sense of urgency and FOMO, prompting more people to register.

Craft a Strong “What’s in it for Me?” Message

To convert potential attendees into actual participants, it’s crucial to use your messaging to highlight the benefits of attending: how the event will meet the needs and interests of your audience. Emphasizing the value proposition—whether it’s networking opportunities, learning from industry leaders, or gaining new skills—can make a compelling case for why someone should attend.

Taking this a step further, your messaging should also outline why individuals should consider joining the association or organization hosting the event. Emphasizing mutual benefits, such as ongoing professional development, access to exclusive resources, or being part of a community of like-minded professionals, can drive membership growth.

Networking opportunities are a significant draw for professionals attending industry events. Your messaging pre-, during, and post-event should highlight opportunities for attendees, members, and nonmembers to engage with one another. These interactions foster a sense of community and belonging, which is crucial for member retention. For nonmembers, seeing the vibrant community can be a persuasive factor in deciding to join the association and become part of a supportive and dynamic network.

Leverage Data and Audience-Centric Marketing Techniques

Look at whether your tech stack is working for you. Tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and CRM systems allow you to track engagement, monitor the success of different marketing campaigns, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Personalization is key, but it must go beyond “Dear Name.” Use your existing and collected data to segment your audience and tailor your communications to their specific interests and behaviors. Your goal is to build connections within your community. So, if a segment of your audience consistently engages with content about a specific topic, lean into messaging about specific learning opportunities at your event and the extended resources that membership provides.

Strategic Pricing

Pricing strategies play a crucial role in driving both event attendance and membership growth. Offering first-timer discounts can attract new attendees who might be hesitant about the cost, providing them with an affordable entry point to experience the event’s value firsthand.

Additionally, bundling membership and event attendance fees into a single offer creates an enticing proposition, where potential members see the dual benefit of gaining access to the event and the year-round advantages of membership. This approach not only boosts event participation but also increases the likelihood of converting attendees into long-term members.

A Flywheel of Growth

Events can be a great nondues revenue driver, but you must attract the right attendees. The above strategies can help organizers effectively drive attendance and increase engagement among existing members. This, in turn, helps boost membership renewals and create ambassadors who will promote the association to their peers and colleagues through word of mouth. These drivers—along with well-researched and orchestrated promotion—create the flywheel that ensures success for your organization now and into the future.

Rachael Casey

Rachael Casey is an associate director of marketing at Nth Degree Events.