Quardricos Driskell
Quardricos Driskell is legislative and political affairs manager at the American Urological Association in Linthicum, Maryland, and a member of ASAE’s Government Relations and Advocacy Professionals Advisory Council.
This is an incredibly politically divisive time for America. However, associations still have legislation they support or oppose, and helping members navigate talking to legislators is key to that mission. These nine tips can help associations and their members navigate these tumultuous legislative times.
As we examine how to work in and through an atmosphere of political polarization and intolerance among competing special interests, it’s instructive to remember that the “unscrupulous behavior” we occasionally witness among elected officials isn’t new.
In the lead up to the Civil War, there were several verbal assaults and name calling. Famously, an actual physical assault occurred on May 22, 1856, in the U.S. Senate chamber, when Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts.
Unfortunately, the country was as politically divided then as it is now. Because of this hyperpartisanship, it can be challenging to work with members of Congress.
For example, partisan divisions within Congress may result in legislative gridlock or halt negotiation and compromise. Likewise, a divided government within state legislatures and between the legislative and executive branches can rise to partisan standoffs. This impasse can lead to legislative refusal to approve appointments, denial of votes for presidential initiatives, and vituperations that imbue the civic society of our country.
We live in difficult and demanding times. Nevertheless, government relations professionals must always be ready to work with lawmakers and move their legislative agenda despite the dubiety.
All of this impacts our work as association government relations professionals. However, in these peculiar and volatile political moments, associations and their government relations staff must still leverage, navigate, and depend on existing and new legislative and political relationships. As such, how do we rise above the political battles and work within an increasingly polarized and highly toxic, partisan environment to halt regulations or legislation that threatens the work of our association, while securing legislative wins achieved through a comprehensive strategy that includes direct lobbying, coalitions, PACs, and so forth? Here are some considerations to keep in mind:
We live in difficult and demanding times. Nevertheless, government relations professionals must always be ready to work with lawmakers and move their legislative agenda despite the dubiety.
This is part one of a two-part series on how association government relations professionals can be successful despite excessive political partisanship. In part two, we’ll address how to manage it when it surfaces among your association members.