Data: Why Do Members Lapse?

Lapsed Members Associations Now January/February 2018 Issue

A survey from Community Brands examines the top six reasons why members did not renew.

There were several positive signs for membership growth last year, but that probably won’t stop you from harping on your lapsed member numbers.

While Community Brands’ 2017 Member Loyalty Study showed that 74 percent of members plan to renew their membership, 14 percent said they cancelled or allowed their membership to lapse in the last year. Here are the top six reasons why they said goodbye:

Top Six Reasons Membership Was Not Renewed

It became too costly


The organization was providing little value


I changed industry/employment


I forgot to renew


Company would no longer pay the membership dues


There was a decline in benefits or quality of benefits offered by the organization


Source: Community Brands’ 2017 Member Loyalty Study

[This article was originally published in the Associations Now print edition, titled "Data: The Cost of Lapsed Members."]