7 Measures of Success: What Remarkable Associations Do-Revised (digital book)

7 Measures of Success: What Remarkable Associations Do-Revised (digital book)

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This update of an ASAE bestseller retains the original book's focus on the disciplines that define remarkable associations and provides some insights on how those remarkable organizations fared in light of the economic challenges in the intervening years since the original publication was published.

Based on 15 years of data and original, objective research tailored to the association community's needs, 7 Measures of Success provides empirical data and seven success factors common among visionary nonprofits. Turn your organization from ordinary to extraordinary and discover how to

  • inspire a customer service-oriented culture
  • align products and services with your mission
  • process feedback from members and use the data to deliver results
  • take actions that position your organization to adapt quickly

Without question, this is a must-read book for all levels of association professionals.

Purchased copies of this digital version will be accessed through ASAE Bookshelf. Bookshelf is a digital web- and app-based book platform that provides more tools and accessibility features than a traditional PDF. Once purchased, a link to access the digital book will be available in the Downloads and Subscriptions section of the purchaser’s ASAE online profile. This link is non-transferable and not shareable. It is unique to the purchaser. If you wish to purchase multiple copies or buy a digital copy for someone else, please contact books@asaecenter.org.

(2012, digital book, 176 pages)