Summit Awards Sponsorship

25th Annual Summit Awards Tuesday, Sept 24, 2024 

Summit Dinner sales are now open. For questions, contact

We look forward to gathering this fall for The Power of Associations – 25th Annual Summit Awards Dinner, where we will recognize associations that go above and beyond their everyday mission to undertake initiatives that benefit America and the world. 



The Power of Associations Summit Awards will recognize outstanding associations that work beyond their missions to benefit America, its workforce and the world. This year’s Summit Awards Dinner will showcase the association community’s powerful contributions in the award categories of industry and professional advancement; global development; diversity, equity, and inclusion; advocacy; and community support and engagement.  

Join more than 600 industry leaders at the iconic National Building Museum for a reception, seated dinner awardee highlights and live entertainment. Pre- and post-event VIP opportunities are also available. 



Sponsorship Packages  

Primary Benefits – All sponsor levels receive the following: 

  • One 8-seat table with priority room placement; 
  • Recognition in pre-event marketing and on-site event materials 
  • Event website logo placement 

Suggested sponsorship packages are listed below.

Additional opportunities include sponsorship of specific event features, and increased visibility based on commitment level. 

Reserve your Summit experience by contacting


Platinum Reception Title Sponsor - $20,000 

Make your name stand out. The Summit Awards Reception is the place where connections are made. Running for an hour prior to the event programming and dinner and open to all 600+ attendees, the reception is held in the National Building Museum lobby and offers an open bar and hors d’oeuvres. The reception sponsor receives all Primary Benefits PLUS: 

  • Sponsorship of the Summit Awards Reception 
  • Recognition at the reception with prominent signage 
  • Special recognition at the event in-print, on screen, and from the podium 


Gold Award Category Sponsor – $17,000 

Five award categories are available for sponsorship: industry and professional advancement; global development; diversity, equity, and inclusion; advocacy; and community support and engagement. Gold Award Category Sponsors will receive: 

  • The opportunity to present the Category Award to the winner on stage, with sponsor logo and tagline on screen. 
  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 


Silver Event Sponsor – $12,000 

Take advantage of the extraordinary networking that the Summit Awards Dinner provides, plus added recognition in all event promotion and from the stage. Silver sponsors receive all Primary Benefits PLUS: 

  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 
  • Logo and tagline highlighted from the podium

Purchase Silver Sponsorship Package


Bronze Event Sponsor– $6,600  

Reserve a table at the premier association event for your staff, colleagues, and clients, and receive special recognition. Bronze Event Sponsors receive Primary Benefits PLUS: 

  • Special recognition at the event on screen 
  • Full Table Seating is included with the Bronze Sponsorship 

Purchase Bronze Sponsorship Package



Half-table – $3,300

One-half table at the dinner (4 seats). All seats will be located at the same table.
Purchase Half Table

Attendee – $660

One seat at the event dinner. Seats purchased separately are not guaranteed to be at the same table.
Purchase Attendee



Please note that these options do not include seating. 

Reception Seating Sponsor – $20,000 

  • Branded seated area in the Reception Space  
  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 

Dinner Table Decor Sponsor – $25,000 

  • Branded Floral Centerpieces for Dinner Tables  
  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 

Valet Sponsor - $14,000 

  • Branded signage in valet area 
  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 
  • Branded thank you flyer or amenity left in vehicle 

Reception Table Decor Sponsor $12,000 

  • Branded Centerpieces for Cocktail Tables  
  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 

Bathroom Decor Sponsor – $12,000 

  • Branded bathroom decor such as mirror clings, branded paper towels and decorative elements 
  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 

Registration/Guest Check-in Experience – $7,000 

  • Branded signage at check-in 
  • Branded tablecloth on registration tables 
  • Special recognition at the event in print, on screen, and from the podium 



For more information about The Power of Associations – Summit Awards Dinner sponsorship opportunities or to create a custom package, please contact:

Support of the Power of Associations - Summit Awards is a contribution to the Power of Associations Fund and is not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes, but may be partially deductible as a business expense. ASAE estimates that 23% of your payment is not deductible because of ASAE’s lobbying activities on behalf of members. The Summit Awards Dinner is a fundraising event, therefore we are unable to refund tickets purchased, however tickets are fully transferable.