CAE Renewal FAQs

How do I know if a course I’ve taken qualifies for CAE credit?

If your course is directly related to association or nonprofit management as defined by the CAE exam content outline, the course will qualify for CAE credit. For example: 

  • Strategies for Building a Cohesive Team – Domain 2, Executive Leadership
  • Hacking for Good: Facing Cyber Threats Head-On – Domain 4,Operations
  • Aligning Unit Goals and Imperatives – Domain 2, Executive Leadership

Do I have to get my course(s) pre-approved or take courses through ASAE or a CAE Approved Provider for the course to qualify for CAE credit?

Any course that is directly related to the CAE exam content outline will qualify for CAE credit. You do not have to take courses through ASAE or a CAE Approved Provider.

What is the difference between a live or self-study course?

A live course is any course that you must attend at the initial broadcast. Courses do not have to be in person to qualify as live. Webinars, conferences, seminars, etc., may qualify as live if you attend the course when it is initially broadcast.

A self-study course is any course that you complete at your own pace. Self-study courses may have an online facilitator. If you are given a period in which to complete a course at your own pace, this would be considered a self-study course.

Do I need to provide supporting documentation for live events?

No. However, college, self-study, and mentoring professional development require supporting documentation with your application.

I viewed a recording of a webinar. Can I receive CAE credit for this course?

Viewing a recorded webinar would not be eligible for CAE credit unless it includes an assessment component. Self-study courses must include a quiz, post-test, or other learning assessment attached to the course. A certificate of completion must be provided with your application.

What ASAE courses can I take to fulfill the ethics requirement?

This list of current ASAE ethics-related courses will help you meet the ethics requirement.

How many self-study credits may I use toward my renewal application?

You may receive a maximum of 20 CAE self-study credits toward the CAE renewal application.

How many CAE credits would I receive from a college course I completed?

Courses that receive academic credit, which is generally applied to a degree, would earn CAE credit based on the college credit criteria.

Courses that receive a certificate of completion, CEUs, contact hours, etc., for completing the course would not receive CAE credit based upon the college credit criteria. These courses will earn CAE credit based on the actual clock time of education.

Do I have to obtain professional development in each of the domains?

No. However, obtaining professional development in all nine domains will help you keep your knowledge up to date in all areas of association management.

I attended a one-day program that ran from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Does this qualify for 8 CAE credits?

No. CAE credits are based upon clock time of qualifying education. Breaks between education sessions, lunches, and expo hours do not qualify for CAE credit.

I have attended several conferences that I would like to use for my professional development. Do I have to list each education session that I attended, or can I list the conference as one event?

You may list the conference as one entry on your application. Enter the total number of education sessions you attended, which will determine the number of CAE credits earned. For example, if you attended five one-hour education sessions each day at a two-day conference, you earned 10 CAE credits.

I volunteer as an association board member. Does this qualify for CAE credit?

Holding a leadership title such as chair, vice chair, president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer for an association, professional society, committee, section, or special interest group will receive two CAE credits for each year of service within your renewal cycle.

Do I have to work in the association industry to maintain my CAE certification?

No. Completing the CAE renewal requirements allows you to maintain the certification. You do not have to work in the association industry in order to maintain your certification.

If I renew by October 31, may I use the professional development I have completed after I have been approved for my next CAE renewal period?

All professional development must be completed during your CAE certification period. For example, a CAE who submitted their completed renewal on October 31, 2023, would have their next CAE renewal period begin on January 1, 2024. Any professional development completed in November and December 2023, after they submitted their renewal application, would not count toward the next renewal period. Credits for the next renewal would need to be taken between January 2024 and December 2026.


More Questions?

Get the answers you need on our FAQ page, or contact:

Elizabeth Twitchell, CAE
Manager, Credentialing