The End of Membership as We Know It

The End of Membership as We Know It

Product Information


Sarah Sladek


Hard Shipment

  • Member Benefits
  • Member Engagement
  • Membership Recruitment & Retention
  • Applied
  • Strategic
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The era when associations could count on members joining and renewing, even with a relatively unchanging menu of membership benefits, has passed. Membership is not dead as author Sarah Sladek so eloquently argues in The End of Membership As We Know It. But you do need to change your thinking and your models to adapt to the way participation is changing as a result of the generational shifts in the workforce, social changes, and the technology-eased access to content and community.

She outlines real, useful advice and plenty of examples for moving your membership model into the future. For example, learn

  • how niche is the new competitive advantage
  • why organizational culture has an enormous impact on recruitment and retention
  • what emerging member-prospects value and want
  • why and how to focus on member ROI instead of program ROI
  • how to craft and deliver compelling benefits rather than features
  • how to extend your reach
  • which emerging models are taking root and showing promise

Start now to redefine membership and flip your association's future. First step is to read this book.

(2011, ISBN 9780880344104, 130 pages, softcover)