International Association Professionals Community

Volunteer Management

Associations operate in a global business environment, and the International Association Professionals Community gives you the tools you need to meet the challenges of this new reality. The community provides best practices, knowledge, expertise, and experience in the global management of nonprofit associations. The community offers many ways to get involved, including participating in online discussions, contributing newsletter articles, or suggesting speakers at educational sessions.

Purpose statement. The International Association Professionals Community works to enhance the international perspective of the association management profession and the international competencies of ASAE members to help them thrive in a global marketplace.

Leadership. The International Associations Advisory Council supports the development of content and resources for association international practitioners—those whose role in associations includes international activities or the engagement of the non-U.S. community in their field or industry. This group requires two in-person meetings each year.

Resources. Find articles and other knowledge resources on global issues in association management.

Community. Join the conversation in the International Association Professionals Community in Collaborate, ASAE’s members-only online social network.

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